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Choosing the right cell averaging method for linearized PDEs

Choosing the right averaging method

In the previous post, I discussed a linearization procedure that could be used to solve a nonlinear diffusion equation. We saw that the linearization converted the nonlinear diffusion equation to a PDE with linear diffusion and convection terms. Here, I'm going to solve that equation again, but this time on a nonuniform mesh. My objective is to see what happens if we choose an averaging term that is not consistent with the chosen method for the discretization of the convection term.

Another look at the equations

The equation that we solved was $$\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial t}+\nabla . (-D(\phi)\nabla \phi) =0$$ where we can linearize the diffusion term as $$D\left(\phi\right)\nabla \phi=D\left(\phi_{0}\right)\nabla \phi+\nabla \phi_{0}\left(\frac{\partial D}{\partial \phi}\right)_{\phi_{0}}\left(\phi-\phi_{0}\right).$$ Let's put it back in the original diffusion equation: $$\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial t}+\nabla . \left(-D\left(\phi_{0}\right)\nabla \phi-\nabla \phi_{0}\left(\frac{\partial D}{\partial \phi}\right)_{\phi_{0}}\left(\phi-\phi_{0}\right)\right) =0$$ Of course this is an approximation. The idea is that we gues a $\phi_0$, then solve the equation for $\phi$, and replace it in $\phi_0$ until the absolute or relative difference between them is less than a chosen small value. I write the above equation in a form that is actually used in a finite volume scheme with all the averaging on the cell faces. It reads $$\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial t}+\nabla . \left(-D\left(\phi_{0}\right)\nabla \phi\right)+\nabla.\left(-\nabla \phi_{0}\left(\frac{\partial D}{\partial \phi}\right)_{\phi_{0,face}}\phi\right) =\nabla.\left(-\nabla \phi_{0}\left(\frac{\partial D}{\partial \phi}\right)_{\phi_{0,face}}\phi_{0,face}\right)$$ Here's the trick: on the left hand side, we have, from left to right, a transient term, a diffusion term, a convection term, and on the right hand side, a divergence term. We can use any type of discretization for the convective term, as long as the same averaging term to calculate the face value on the right hand side, that would be:

Discretization Averaging
convectionTerm linearMean
convectionUpwindTerm upwindMean
convectionTvdTerm tvdMean

In this example, I'm going to show what will happen if you use an averaging technique that is not consistent with your chosen discretization method for the convective term.


I'm repeating the nonlinear diffusion model of the previous post, this time on a nonuniform grid. Two functions are created: the direct substitution, which is assumed to give the right solution, and a linearized equation, with the possibility of using central difference or upwind convection discretization and linear, upwind, and arithmetic averaging methods.

Definition of functions in JFVM

In [8]:
using JFVM, PyPlot, JFVMvis

Linearized PDE (Newton method)

In [2]:
function diffusion_newton(conv_method, avg_method)
    L= 1.0 # domain length
    Nx= 100
        x=[0.0, dx_min]
    while x[end]<L
        push!(x, x[end]+1.05(x[end]-x[end-1]))
    m= createMesh1D(x) # create a nonuniform 1D mesh
    D0= 1.0 # diffusion coefficient constant
    # Define the diffusion coefficientand its derivative
    # create boundary condition
    BC = createBC(m)
    BC.left.a .= 0.0
    BC.left.b .= 1.0
    BC.left.c .= 5.0
    BC.right.a .= 0.0
    BC.right.b .= 1.0
    BC.right.c .= 0.0
    Mbc, RHSbc = boundaryConditionTerm(BC)
    # define the initial condition
    phi0 = 0.0 # initial value
    phi_old = createCellVariable(m, phi0, BC) # create initial cells
    phi_val = copyCell(phi_old)
    # initialize the solution for upwind case
    phi_face = linearMean(phi_val)
    u= -faceEval(dD, phi_face)*gradientTerm(phi_val)
    # define the time steps
    dt= 0.01*L*L/D0 # a proper time step for diffusion process
    for i=1:10
        Mt, RHSt = transientTerm(phi_old, dt)
        while err>1e-10
            # calculate the diffusion coefficient
            Dface= harmonicMean(cellEval(D,phi_val))
            # calculate the face value of phi_0
            if avg_method==1
                phi_face= linearMean(phi_val)
            elseif avg_method==2
                phi_face= arithmeticMean(phi_val)
            elseif avg_method==3
                phi_face= upwindMean(phi_val, u)
            # calculate the velocity for convection term
            u= -faceEval(dD, phi_face)*gradientTerm(phi_val)
            # diffusion term
            Mdif= diffusionTerm(Dface)
            # convection term
            if conv_method==1
                Mconv= convectionTerm(u)
            elseif conv_method==2
                Mconv= convectionUpwindTerm(u)
            # divergence term on the RHS
            RHSlin= divergenceTerm(u*phi_face)
            # matrix of coefficients
            M= Mt-Mdif+Mconv+Mbc
            # RHS vector
            RHS= RHSbc+RHSt+RHSlin
            # call the linear solver
            phi_new= solveLinearPDE(m, M, RHS)
            # calculate the error
            err= maximum(abs.(phi_new.value .- phi_val.value))
            # assign the new phi to the old phi
        phi_old= copyCell(phi_val)
    return phi_val
diffusion_newton (generic function with 1 method)

Direct substitution

In [3]:
function diffusion_direct()
    L= 1.0 # domain length
    Nx= 100
        x=[0.0, dx_min]
    while x[end]<L
        push!(x, x[end]+1.05(x[end]-x[end-1]))
    m= createMesh1D(x) # create a nonuniform 1D mesh
    D0= 1.0 # diffusion coefficient constant
    # Define the diffusion coefficientand its derivative
    # create boundary condition
    BC = createBC(m)
    BC.left.a .= 0.0
    BC.left.b .= 1.0
    BC.left.c .= 5.0
    BC.right.a .= 0.0
    BC.right.b .= 1.0
    BC.right.c .= 0.0
    Mbc, RHSbc = boundaryConditionTerm(BC)
    # define the initial condition
    phi0 = 0.0 # initial value
    phi_old = createCellVariable(m, phi0, BC) # create initial cells
    phi_val = copyCell(phi_old)
    # define the time steps
    dt= 0.01*L*L/D0 # a proper time step for diffusion process
    for i=1:10
        Mt, RHSt = transientTerm(phi_old, dt)
        while err>1e-10
            # calculate the diffusion coefficient
            Dface= harmonicMean(cellEval(D,phi_val))
            # diffusion term
            Mdif= diffusionTerm(Dface)
            # matrix of coefficients
            M= Mt-Mdif+Mbc
            # RHS vector
            RHS= RHSbc+RHSt
            # call the linear solver
            phi_new= solveLinearPDE(m, M, RHS)
            # calculate the error
            err= maximum(abs.(phi_new.value .- phi_val.value))
            # assign the new phi to the old phi
        phi_old= copyCell(phi_val)
    return phi_val
diffusion_direct (generic function with 1 method)

Case 1: upwind convection with arithmetic average

In [4]:
plot(phi_ds.domain.cellcenters.x, phi_ds.value[2:end-1], "y",
phi_n.domain.cellcenters.x, phi_n.value[2:end-1], "--r") 
legend(["direct subs", "Newton"])
ylabel(L"\phi", fontsize=14);

As you can see, the converged solution of the Newton method, which uses inconsistent convection/averaging terms does not match the solution of the direct substitution solver.

Case 2: central convection with arithmetic average

In [5]:
plot(phi_ds.domain.cellcenters.x, phi_ds.value[2:end-1], "y",
phi_n.domain.cellcenters.x, phi_n.value[2:end-1], "--r") 
legend(["direct subs", "Newton"])
ylabel(L"\phi", fontsize=14);

Again, choosing the inconsistent methods results in an erroneous solution (for the Newton method).

Case 3: central convection with linear average

In [6]:
plot(phi_ds.domain.cellcenters.x, phi_ds.value[2:end-1], "y",
phi_n.domain.cellcenters.x, phi_n.value[2:end-1], "--r") 
legend(["direct subs", "Newton"])
ylabel(L"\phi", fontsize=14);

Beautiful! The results match perfectly.

Case 4: upwind convection with upwind average

In [7]:
plot(phi_ds.domain.cellcenters.x, phi_ds.value[2:end-1], "y",
phi_n.domain.cellcenters.x, phi_n.value[2:end-1], "--r") 
legend(["direct subs", "Newton"])
ylabel(L"\phi", fontsize=14);

Again, we get the correct result by choosing a right pair of discretization/averaging methods. Depending on the Peclet number (convective to diffusive rate ratio), using the upwind method gives a numerically more stable solution.
Updated: August 2021 to work with Julia 1.6


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